Monday, July 9, 2007

LGPL and the Neo 1973

The Neo 1973 phone that runs Openmoko is being touted as the first open source phone, and that they are dedicated to open source...

For one, Trolltech's Greenphone was the first open source phone. Granted, the kernel is less then completely open, as is the phone libraries, but Qtopia is as open source as any.

For two.. if they are so dedicated to open source, why choose a gui library that is LGPL'd? Even RMS says do not use LGPL!
Why you shouldn't use the Lessor GPL for your libraries

As you all know, the LGPL is not about open source, its about letting commercial business keep proprietary code while still using open source. i.e. not give back to the community.. i.e. rip you off.

OpenMoko: if you are so dedicated to open source and keeping it that way, why choose GTK? Qt and Qtopia would be a much better option, and Qtopia is mature and stable phone interface, and it is GPL. All you would have had to do, is write phone libraries, instead of everything.

But, by looking at you choice for gui toolkits, you like doing things the hard way.

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